Call Garrett Starkey at (805)835-2811 regarding pole rentals
Click here for live pole inventory
(All flex numbers are on the AZPVA "Gurt" flex scale and may not be the same at the actual flex. If you need an actual flex of a pole please contact us.)
Pole Rental Pricing and Procedure
We’ve simplified our pricing plan - see below for updated information! We now use an App calle PVR to handle all of our pole checkouts and rentals.
On the app you’ll see 3 rental/check-out options:
3 Day Rental: Non club members renting a pole(s) for a single meet, $30/pole.
Meet Checkout (Elite Members Only): First 3 poles are FREE! Each additional pole will be 50% off standard price of $30, ($15/pole). We will have a coupon code posted in the gym for elite members to insure the first 3 poles are at no cost.
Monthly Rental: $99/month for any pole with FREE and UNLIMITED pole exchanges!
The ideal checkout time for poles is in between club sessions on vault days, so Tuesday / Thursday at 6pm. This makes it convenient to attend either session and still be able to checkout the poles you need. If you can’t make this time that is fine - get in contact with our coaches to find a good time.
Return Process
We will have a PVR Tag posted on the side of the gym by the turf area to assist in returning poles. You’ll be able to check poles in from the app, then tap your phone to the PVR Tag to confirm you’re at the facility, it’s as easy as that! Successfully checked in poles will be set in one designated pile on the turf.
If you are returning poles for a friend, there will be a separate pile for those. A coach will be able to check those in at their earliest convenience, you are only responsible for checking in the poles you’d personally checked out yourself.
Elite Member Pole Checkout return due dates: Pole checked out for a meet must be returned by the next practice session after your meet.
Getting Started
Our current members are familiar with the pen and paper system we have had in place for renting poles short and long term, and how it lacked efficiency. We are happy to have found a new system that is going to save everyone time and energy with the new “Pole Vault Rental” app. This platform will allow us to “tap” our phones to poles to rent for a quick and speedy checkout process!
At this time, please go to your App Store and download the app “Pole Vault Rental” (PVR).
Download links: Google / Apple

After Downloading the app, follow these steps:
Create a Profile using your phone number
On your Mobile Phone, Click on this link to add credit card information (you will need to do this even if your are an Elite Club member checking out 3 poles for free)
You’re ready to rent poles!
* Issues with that link? Be sure to close out the PVR app on your phone, and copy/paste the link directly to your internet browsing app. If problems persist, we can get it sorted in person at club tonight during the pole checkout!
Taking Care of Rented Poles
- Poles must be kept in pole bag at all times when transporting and when not in use during competitions.
- Do not leave laying on the ground where people can step on them with spikes.
- You must put something around the standard collar, like a shirt or towel, to protect the pole from getting dinged.
- You may not lend the poles you borrow anyone else without prior approval from AZPVA.
- You must have someone catching your poles if there are hard surfaces such as cement and rocks the pole can hit when falling.
Poles must be returned undamaged in good condition. Any pole lost, stolen, broken, has dings or deep scratches that render the pole unsafe to use will be need to be replaced by leasee at retail cost for the equivalant pole. There will be a $500 pole replacement cost for lost or damaged poles.